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Our Vision & Mission

Our Mission

The mission of Larimer Chorale, an auditioned symphonic chorus based in Fort Collins, Colorado, is to perform choral music at a high artistic standard, with an emphasis on masterworks, and to enrich and educate singers and audiences throughout northern Colorado.

Non-discrimination Statement

The Larimer Chorale follows an equal opportunity policy and does not discriminate against any person or organization based on age, race, gender, color, creed, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, transgender status, gender identity, ancestry, marital status, veteran status, military status, political service, affiliation, or disability. This policy also applies to relationships with vendors customers, contractors, consultants, and the general public.

Compliance with Americans for Disability Act

The Larimer Chorale makes every possible accommodation to ensure that our venues for rehearsals and performances are accessible, safe, and secure. Questions about accommodations? info@larimerchorale.org or 970-236-6410

Other Standard Policies

The Larimer Chorale complies with Colorado State guidelines for best practices in non-profit governance and performance. To see the policies adopted by our board, please check our profile on Colorado Gives at https://www.coloradogives.org/larimerchorale/overview. Click on "documents". Our policies include: Concert Dress; Conflict of Interest; Free and Rush Tickets; Fundraisers; Gift Acceptance, Major Purchases; Media Communications Spokesperson; Membership Dues; Music Sales; Operating and Reserve Funds; Public Disclosure; Rehearsal Attendance; and Whistleblower.