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Concert FAQs

Know Before You Go!

What to Expect at a Larimer Chorale Concert

Is this your first concert or have you attended Larimer Chorale concerts on a regular basis? We provide these Frequently Asked Questions to help make you entire concert experience more gratifying and pleasant.

Will I understand and like the music?

Yes! You might be surprised to hear snippets of classical music that you recognize -- many “tunes” have been used in movie scores or in commercials that sell everything from razors to cars to your favorite beer! Sit back and enjoy the music. It might evoke memories or cause you to feel happy or sad. Listen for the music to repeat patterns or for the singers to echo each other. Watch the conductor. Watch the singers watching the conductor! See how they respond to his baton. Pick out how all the parts (soprano, alto, tenor, and bass) interact with each other and with the orchestra and soloists.

Do I need to prepare before the concert?

No. You can come and listen to the music for the first time. If you want to prepare, read the program notes on our website, look for recordings of the pieces featured in the concert, or come to one of the open rehearsals. For most concerts, our conductor gives a talk 45 minutes before the concert starts so come listen to that; or come early enough to read the notes in the program.

What should I wear?

Most of our concert-goers dress casually or in business or business-casual attire.

Are there any no-nos?

Yes-yes! Please go easy on wearing scented products. Many singers are particularly sensitive to perfumes – those seated near you may also have allergies.

Keep your colds and coughs at home – or ask the usher to seat you in an unoccupied area of the performance hall.

Don’t be late! It’s fun to come 20-30 minutes early, find your seat, and get comfortable. Talk to your neighbors, look at the venue, read the program, or listen to the warm-ups. Latecomers will be asked to wait in the lobby until there is a break in the program. Then you’ll get to be THAT person – the one who has to climb over everyone in a dark theater. If you have to leave a concert early, please do so between program sections if possible.

Can I go beep, Tweet, or crinkle in the night?

You can but you shouldn’t! If it has a battery, turn it off or set it on vibrate. Remember to check your watches, pagers, and cell phones before the program begins. If you are an on-call emergency worker, set your phone to silently vibrate and then quietly exit to the lobby to take the call. Please do not distract those seated around you by texting or Tweeting. Unwrap candy or anything else encased in noisy cellophane prior to the concert.

Will I be able to take pictures or record the concert?

No. Taking pictures or making audio or video recordings of the concert are violations of copyright and distracting to other concert-goers. Only professionals with prior permission from the Larimer Chorale are allowed to record concerts.

How long will I have to sit there?

We hope that you won’t notice the passage of time! But, for planning purposes, figure on 90 minutes to two hours. Some programs are shorter and may not have an intermission – longer programs will have a break. Remember the chorale members are standing so they want a break too! Intermissions are usually about 15 minutes long.

May I applaud whenever the spirit moves me?

Technically, yes, but most people don’t want to be the one person clapping. It is traditional to show your appreciation to the conductor, concertmaster, and soloists as they come on stage. Then, so that the music can proceed in the way written by the composer and interpreted by the conductor, hold your applause until the end of the entire piece. Some works are divided into movements so follow along in the program – there will be a pause between movements but try not to interrupt the flow of the music by clapping during these brief breaks. Still confused? Watch the conductor. He will keep his arms raised between movements and will have the full attention of all the musicians. Your cue to applaud like crazy is when the conductor completely relaxes his arms.

What happens after the concert?

Chorale members love to meet their audience. Just go to the lobby and the conductor and chorale members will be there to chat with you and answer your questions. Linger, socialize, and talk to others about the experience.

Are the concerts kid-oriented?

Our concerts are not programmed to appeal specifically to small children but they are welcome to attend. Children under 8 can receive a complimentary ticket and sit with adults who supervise them throughout the performance. On rare occasions, if a piece is more for adult ears or has particularly emotional or evocative movements, the chorale will make sure this information is on its website and shared with the ticket agents.

Why do you keep changing venues?

There are many reasons for not using a single venue. There is considerable competition for appropriate concert space and we may not be able to get the space we want on the days we want. For some concerts we may need an organ or the ability to project slides or a movie. We may want an informal venue that encourages interaction among the guests. Perhaps for a chamber concert or an a cappella concert we’ll need a smaller hall or a certain acoustic or different lighting. It’s not always easy to secure the best possible venue for each of our concerts but we make every possible effort to find suitable space for members of both the chorale and the audience.

Do the venues accommodate disabled patrons?

Yes. Handicapped parking and wheel-chair accessible seating are available at all venues. Devices to assist the hearing-impaired are available at most venues. If you have a special need, please contact us well before the concert so that we can do our best to accommodate you. Call 970-236-6410.


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Fort Collins CO 80522

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