Sunday February 23rd, 2025 4:00 PM
CSU Griffin Concert Hall, 1400 Remington St, Fort Collins CO 80524
Millions have read The Diary of Anne Frank and have been struck by the beauty and resilience of the human spirit during horrible and inhumane times. Composer James Whitbourn has created a concert piece for soprano solo, chorus, and orchestra inspired by Annelies (Anne) Frank's famous diary. Annelies is a 75-minute choral work in 14 movements with libretto translated and compiled by Melanie Challenger from The Diary of Anne Frank.
This will be a powerful and gripping concert that will be life changing for audiences and performers, alike.
Sunday May 11th, 2025 4:00 PM
CSU Griffin Concert Hall, 1400 Remington St, Fort Collins CO 80524
Although a "mass for the dead," Brahms' sublime Ein deutsches Requiem places unusual focus on the living - those needing comfort in the loss of a loved one. Join the Larimer Chorale as we come full circle - from the celebration of life and soul in the Magnificat to Brahms' stunning interpretation of the Requiem liturgy. This is one of the greatest choral masterworks of all time, and includes professional orchestra and soloists.